November 2006 History log~
24th Nov 06:
I made a KI thread and the content was similar to the above.
25th Nov 06:
He came to altepa to outpull my puller on all the mobs we were exping on. Member in PT placed GM call and minutes later, he got warped off right in front of me.
While in jail, he spammed me with /befriend so I made a GM call too.
He was released about 10 minutes later and came back. But we were disbanding anyway so it didn't matter anymore.
I pretended to be puller, he would follow me to one side while the puller went to an opposite direction and vice-versa.
He wasn't seen in-game for the next 3 days. Either the GM I called did a fine job or the GM the other players called because 4 others in the PT were really pissed at him while I was happily enjoying every moment.
26th Nov 06:
Since he was jailed, he spent all his free time bitching to the KI mods and got my KI thread deleted.
28th Nov 06:
He's back in game. I was told he got pwned badly in ballista and kept whining after the match. Lacks sportsmanship.
29th Nov 06:
He managed to bribe someone to shout in lower jeuno. I've never heard of this person before, lol. He was /anon, probably a mule.

Later that day, he made a GM call on me for having "lolFeitard" in my search comment. I was out for lunch when GM contacted me. Didn't do anything except leave a friendly warning.

I continue to leave "lolFeitard" in my search comment for the rest of the day.
(few hours later)
Yeah, /sarcasm I'm the one making all these posts. I guess I mkp gil sellers for nothing while Wyred's friends keep raising them. And while I'm trying to solve the differences of the tension between people having a grudge and others judging me based on other people's "flame gang", wyred continues to make the hateful mater worse by having himself or others instigate me in any way possible. The administrator are deleting them for no reason and because others are sick of it as well. Yet, no matter how hard I try to move on as you all advise me to, you people bring something totally new out of the blue for no reason.

Btw, I would also like to remind everyone Wyred scammed Bloodhound not too long ago and made him quit. Not sure if it was last night or the day before, bloodhound announced he was quiting after wyred had taken his gil borrorwing more than 4mil. Wyred know this: You are now the most hated person I despise after what you did.

You first lied others telling people I buy/sell/trade without any type of proof other than have others support your claim for flame, using lame evidence that doesn't show anything of any type of buying/sell, and now you have taken advantage of taking people's gil and pretending as if the person doesn't exsist. You're a sick fuck. You have no life and by that you sit here hate yourself and make fun of others because it makes you feel better inside.

You've gotten away with shit enough. You deserve an ass beating and if possible a slap upside your retarded ass face. Good game you poor excuse for a sperm.

KI thread
30th Nov 06:

Yesterday he hates me, today he wants to apologise to me, maybe tomorrow he will send roses?